Black History Month: Mental Health in the Black Community

Mental health is just as important as physical health, yet it often takes a backseat in our community. Stigma around seeking therapy and a historical reliance on faith alone have left many of us without the support we need. Breaking the Stigma For generations, therapy was seen as “airing dirty

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Black History Month: Physical Health in the Black Community

Ebony Marketing Systems VP of Qualitative Research, Reggie Alston, contributes to this special blog series for Black History Month. February marks Black History Month, a time to honor our history and celebrate our progress. It’s also a great time to reflect on the state of our community’s physical health. Unfortunately,

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President and CEO Kai Fuentes writes for Quirk’s Magazine

Our President and CEO Kai Fuentes recently wrote for Quirk’s Magazine on how ‘less is more’ when conducting interviews, in the article, “How a measured, respectful approach to interviewing yields more insights.” Kai discusses the importance of allowing respondents to have space to formulate responses. As moderators we need to

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Differences in How Gen Z and Gen Alpha Think and Buy

As Gen Z and Gen Alpha grow into the next generation of consumers, businesses must adapt to their evolving behaviors and preferences. While both generations have been shaped by digital technology, there are key differences in how they approach thinking, decision-making, and purchasing. Gen Z: Digital Natives With a Focus

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Will the US Census Change How It Collects Data on Native Americans?

The White House has been collecting proposals on how to reclassify racial data collection for the 2030 census, which could bring positive changes but may also exclude American Indians and Alaskan Natives (Native Americans) from some official data sets. US Race Data Collection Is Complex The Brookings Institution released a

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