How Demographic Trends Are Shaping the Globe

Global demographics are undergoing a profound transformation. Populations in Europe and China are shrinking. India is surpassing China as the most populous nation. And by 2050, parts of Europe and East Asia are expected to have nearly 40 percent of their populations aged 65 and older. This demographic shift presents

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Research Highlights Diversity in U.S. Black Population

Since 2000, the Black population in the United States has grown by 32% to 47.9 million people in 2022. Black Americans include those who identify as Black alone, those who say their race is Black in combination with other racial backgrounds, and Hispanics and Latinos who also say their race

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The Art and Science of Asking Amazing Questions

Nearly anyone can ask a question.  If you count Google searches as questions, the human population asks over 8 billion questions daily —a huge number, but somehow pales compared to the 200 questions a preschooler can ask in a single day.  Not all of these are thought-provoking questions driven out

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