Our President, Kai Fuentes, writes for Greenbook on Ethnographic Methods

Ethnography is rooted in cultural anthropology, which focuses on the development of human culture and the influence individuals and their culture have on each other. In her article for the Greenbook blog, “Ethnographic Methods Enrich Market Research,” our President Kai Fuentes shares how “Human beings have a fundamental need to

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Separating Signal from Noise: The Path to Rich Data Analysis

Are you drowning in data but still thirsty for insight? While human beings have been analyzing data for millennia, the amount and type of data available—and the number and sophistication of electronic tools for analysis—have increased dramatically over the last twenty years or so. Analysis tools, however sophisticated, still require

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Gain Competitive Advantage with Competitive Intelligence

What tools are you using to create and keep current the portrait of your ideal customer? Gathering competitive intelligence can yield invaluable insights that add dimension and depth to that portrait, in addition to providing important information about your competitors and market trends. And as more and more companies invest

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Being an Ally v. Being an Accomplice: What’s The Difference?

A few years ago, the idea of being an ally to marginalized groups entered mainstream discourse as a way of expressing support for social justice movements. Now, however, many in the trenches of those movements wonder whether “ally” has devolved into a meaningless buzzword, a way for privileged people to

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Our President Kai Fuentes on the Joy Superpowers podcast

Our President Kai Fuentes was honored to share her insights on self-love on an episode of The Art and Science of Joy’s Joy Superpowers podcast. Take a listen right here: https://theartandscienceofjoy.com/captivate-podcast/self-love And remember, the most radical act of self-love you can do is spend more time with yourself!

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