Not All Americans See the American Dream the Same Way

The idea of the “American dream” is that anyone in the US can achieve success through hard work and determination. It’s been around for over a century and has formed a crucial part of American culture and ideology, but only about half of Americans today think the American dream is

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Using TikTok to Conduct Market Research

TikTok has emerged as a powerful platform for entertainment and information sharing as well as for conducting market research. With its diverse user base and algorithms that constantly promote viral content, TikTok offers unique opportunities for companies, nonprofits, and government agencies to obtain insights into multicultural consumer behavior.  Understand Your

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The Racial and Ethnic Diversity of the US Congress Keeps Growing

The 118th Congress is the most racially and ethnically diverse to date. The proportion of minority congresspeople elected more closely matches the proportion of minority populations in the US than ever before. The Racial and Ethnic Makeup of the 118th Congress According to a report from the Pew Research Center,

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President and CEO Kai Fuentes Featured on the ‘She Leads’ podcast

In the recent episode of the She Leads podcast with Adrienne Garland, titled “Inspiring Positivity Among Women and Underserved Communities with Kai Fuentes”, our President and CEO shares how replacing negative thoughts with positive ones is crucial, especially for women. Inner work and healing significantly can help in the growth

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President and CEO Kai Fuentes on the ‘The New Mainstream’ podcast

Our President and CEO Kai Fuentes joined The New Mainstream podcast to discuss how the market research industry can benefit from intentionally cultivating and championing diversity and inclusion. Beyond focus groups, greater diversity is needed across the market research industry. Often, diverse teammates doing the work—running the data tables and

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